Communication, Leadership and Ethics
ORGL 610 Communication, Leadership and Ethics Fall 2015 Dr. Kristin Hoover
Ethics are a wonderful thing: it’s what guides us and directs our life. The biggest impact that I had during this course was when we all went as a class to a university wide discussion, facilitated by President McCulloh. This discussion was titled “Inclusion and Social Justice at Gonzaga: Reflections on the National Conversation on Race.” This was a powerful night that caused such an uprising of disgust in my inner most being for the leadership of Gonzaga University. My primary disgust was directed at Raymond F. Reyes, Ph.D., Associate Academic Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer for the university. At a time when the university community was hurting because of the transgressions of some, both in sexual and racial contexts, Dr. Reyes offered no leadership. But rather, thought that he could use his positional authority to correct the behaviors of some. Reyes kept say, “I don’t know what I don’t know” as if that justified his disconnect. In my fourth module, I did a VLOG titled, “A Letter to the President” sharing my thoughts on that night’s discussion.
- Moral sensitivity and ethical dilemmas
- Moral judgement
- Moral character
- Moral focus
Course Reading:
Arnett, R. C., Fritz, J. M. H., & Bell, L. M. (2008). Communication ethics literacy: Dialogue and difference. Sage Publications. Johnson, C. E. (2012).
Organizational ethics: A practical approach. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
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