Leadership Theory

ORGL 505 Leadership Theory Spring 2012 Dr. Joe Albert


“If all you have is a hammer, then all you can do is nail… You need to acquire a bigger toolbox”

Leadership theory taught me about the different leadership styles that there are from autocratic leadership to servant leadership. How organizations are structure and how leadership plays a role in that. How politics plays a role in the work place, and knowing that when you start advocating for something, you’re engaging politics. Assumptions can frequently affect the political frame; it’s not about the decision you make, but how you implement it and get others to buy into the decision.


  1. Framing organizations: HR vs. Political.
  2. Frames, assumptions, roots, definitions and key issues.
  3. Frame Parameters- focus on the rational arrangements of roles and relationships.
  4. Structures must not be confused with rigid framework or management.
  5. Understanding Culture and how it operates within on organization.

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