Project Timeline

Timeline For Changes 

90 Day Changes: Address Immediate Current Issues and Growing Struggles

  1. Bring unity to Kids ministry
    •  Work towards unity with volunteers. Address immediate scheduling and support concerns.
    • Work towards resolving current relational issues that are hindering us from feeling like a cohesive team (mediation and team work building)
  1. Better enable our leaders for success on Sundays
    • Plan, prep, and distribute curriculum in advance to all lead teachers
    • Establish Kids Church service order that includes worship, lesson, prayer, and an engaging activity
    • Better communicate leadership for Sundays before the weekend of

 3-6 Month Changes: Beginning the process of recruitment

  1. Have established processes so new volunteers are able to enter a cohesive ministry
    • Establish 1st service lead teacher and rotation of assistant teachers
    • Follow up with people who have served to see if/what their interest may be in serving again
  1. Evaluate next line of curriculum
    • Next series of curriculum should be prepped and ready before the previous curriculum ends
    • Next series must be communicated to lead volunteers, so nobody feels blindsided or unprepared
  1. Begin Developing a Kids Ministry family retention plan
    • Reaching out and engage with new families
    • Reaching out to established families with changes in attendance trends (suddenly missing, etc)
    • Check in with LifeGroup leaders if we know a family belongs with one, so they are being met and loved on all avenues.
    • Create cohesive community experience for our families (closing the back door, so to speak)
    • Engage with LifeGroup coordinator regarding outreach to find LifeGroups for families who are not engaged in community.

6-9 Month Changes: Develop a process for review and expansion

  1. Review the last 6 months success and trouble shooting
    • Curriculum succeses: are kids and families being impacted positively by curriculum choices?
    • Volunteer growth: Have we successfully retained new volunteers, and are we functioning on a volunteer rotation that prevents people from feeling over worked and under appreciated by the ministry?
    • Are we working cohesively as a team and communicating relationship with our families?
  1. Growth to Ministry
    • Friday night Kids night out once a month (recruits new families from kids’ schools, as well as feeds into our pre-existing families by offering a childcare date night for parents)
    • Creates a culture of enthusiasm and support around kids ministry. Gets families and kids in the door. Allows us to continue building relationships with existing families.
    • Holiday special events scheduled, planned for, and coordinated ahead of schedule (we should know what we are doing for Thanksgiving before thanksgiving and what we are doing for Christmas before December)

9-12 Months: Establish a Family Centric, Relationship Based Ministry

  1. Engaging parents to serve
  2. Engaging youth to participate in holiday services, Kids Night out, and 2nd service (train up the next generation)
    • purposefully engaging youth to be present and serve, not just a warm body in a room
  1. Getting families involved and equipped to carry on throughout the week.
    • Purposefully engaging parents in curriculum based take home sheets
    • Kids Ministry mid week blog
    • Utilizing the church app to highlight lesson talking points

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